Here at Corporate Destruction Solutions, we are proud to provide the nation with the most secure, on-site hard drive/media destruction service available.

We provide the only solution that guarantees the destruction of electronic data that may have otherwise been left behind. All of our employees are licensed, bonded, insured and must pass a background check, substance abuse testing, and sign a confidentiality agreement.

CDS was founded in 2006 by Phil Saraiva and Jim Saraiva, in response to a story they heard. The story went like this:
Jim was employed recycling computers when he began speaking with an employee of a large account. This company mentioned to Jim that he had, on hand, approximately 200-300 hard drives that needed to be destroyed, but he couldn’t hand them over to Jim for an interesting reason. Several years prior, this large company had experienced a security breach, and consequently, had implemented an information security policy to prevent future breaches. According to the new policy, each of eight locations now stockpiled their hard drives. Periodically, the Head of Security for the company, personally drove to each location, secured the drives, and transported them to the North East to be shredded. Each location typically stockpiled 1,000 hard drives for a total of 8,000 to be transported and destroyed.

Ah-ha! A light bulb flashed on for the Saraiva brothers. Wouldn’t it be more efficient and much more security-conscious, for one truck with a very large shredder to drive to eight individual locations, rather than hard drives from eight locations be transported miles across the country? Discussions commenced, Phil hopped on research, a truck was procured from eBay, and the business was born.

Philip Saraiva

President and CEO

Phil has worked for Joseph Products Co. in Operations, for Buyers Market in Management, for Siemens Building Technologies Inc. as an Engineering Construction Coordinator, and for Control Consultants Inc. as an Assistant General Manager.
Phil graduated from Nichols College in Dudley, MA in the field of Small Business Entrepreneurship.
From 1998-2005, Phil volunteered as the Assistant Somerville High School Football Coach. He also was involved in helping senior football players pursue college educations by accompanying them on their visits to various colleges in the North East.
In his spare time, Phil enjoys spending time and having fun with his wife and sons.

Jim Saraiva

Vice President and COO

Jim has worked for Joseph Products Co. in Operations, was an owner of Buyers Market and also worked in retail merchandising for their retail stores.
Jim graduated from Northeastern University in Business Administration.
Jim loves to spend time with his wife and family when he’s not busy shredding and recycling for CDS.